How Noise Cancelling Headphones Work

Noise-canceling headphones can be a lifesaver for noisier places. Noise-canceling headphones were created to “save” some people who live in noisy environments, work with audio and video editing, or simply want to relax more by listening to music on a daily basis. The most popular types of headphones in this segment feature active or passive isolation. In addition to the structure, they also differ in price. But is using this accessory really that good and completely safe? Find out below.

How Noise Canceling Headphones Work

The main feature of these headphones is exactly what the name suggests: they block external noise to allow the audio played internally to reach your ears with as little interference as possible. It is worth noting that these headphones do block out most ambient sounds (varying in precision, depending on the model), but not 100%.

Continuous, more consistent noises, such as fans, motors, etc., are easier to isolate than more abrupt sounds, such as shouting, a loud bang, or someone speaking directly to you.

For the home consumer of this type of accessory, it can be said that noise cancelers (especially active ones) usually fulfill their promise well. Regarding market availability, they can be found in both over-ear models, in the shape of shells that cover the entire ear, and in-ear models, the already known intra-auricular models.

To explain in a more didactic way how they work, we will divide them into the two most commonly sold types:

  • Headphones with active noise cancellation
  • Headphones with passive noise cancellation

How Noise Cancelling Headphones Work - Sennheiser

Active noise cancellation in headphones uses a type of microphone, like a filter, that monitors ambient noise and creates an anti-noise system from sound waves created by the device itself. These waves imitate the structure of the external noise, acting like mirrors, “reflecting” this external sound wave and canceling it out.

In short, for the active form, specific built-in hardware is required for this purpose, which makes these models more expensive than passive ones.

Passive noise cancellation is directly linked to the design and materials used to create the headphones. In-ear models with rubber or acoustic foam on the earplugs, for example, or even padding on the ear cups, covering the entire ear, in models with a stem, are examples of passive noise cancellation.

Some manufacturers may also invest in different designs to enhance this effect, such as a more flexible curvature of the stem to better adapt to the ear, without leaving spaces, etc. Here, the more refined the design, the better.

Passive cancellation, unlike active cancellation, is more limited and can generally cancel frequencies above 1 kHz.

The ideal world for headphones with great noise cancellation is when active and passive cancellation work well together. The latter depends a lot on the design that was used for this purpose. If the headphone has a more careless structure with regard to acoustic quality, and is made from low-quality materials, not even the best active cancellation will be able to compensate for the audio.

What are the Pros of Noise-Canceling Headphones?

  1. Great musical experience, with almost no external interference;
  2. Less tiredness and fatigue, even after prolonged use, largely due to the quality of the material used;
  3. It is not necessary to use the headphones at maximum volume for the best experience. Sometimes, we try to compensate for external noise by turning up the volume too much and, consequently, damaging our hearing. With noise-canceling headphones, there is no need to run this risk;
  4. Headphones of this type are excellent companions for traveling (when you are not driving), studying, and working (when this does not require your full attention to your surroundings).

What are the Cons of Noise-Canceling Headphones?

  1. They are usually more expensive than regular headphones. The most basic models usually cost around R$900 on average;
  2. Audio quality is generally lower than headphones in the same price range. This is due to the mechanisms used for noise cancellation, but it is not that noticeable;
  3. Not all external sounds are blocked, as stated at the beginning of the article;
  4. In the case of headphones with active cancellation, it is necessary to recharge them periodically (in some models);
  5. These headphones, especially the active ones, are a little more difficult to find on the Brazilian market.

Recommendations for the Healthy Use of Noise-Canceling Headphones

It’s always good to make it clear that, if you decide to invest in an accessory like this, it’s good to keep some personal safety issues in mind. Since these types of headphones can be quite distracting, you should be very careful when walking down the street to avoid, for example, being run over or even mugged.

If you are driving or doing any work that requires you to pay attention to external noise, it is recommended to save these headphones for more leisure or restful moments. And, honestly, they are great for that.